I am Niti Jain, a Software Engineer turned into a Lifestyle Photographer.
The journey started after my daughter was born in the year 2014. Due to personal reasons, I quit my job before my daughter’s birth and was on a break from work. While on my break, I happened to check this young and talented photographer’s page on Facebook “Paridhi Jain Photography”. I instantly fell in love with her pictures (not with photography yet ;)). Seeing beautiful pictures on her page, especially of babies, I hoped to get such photos of my daughter too. Looking through these pictures kindled the latent interest for photography in me. I realised that my job, and in general my life, had kept me from pursuing this art-form in the past. Being on a break from work now, I wanted to pursue photography and therefore buy a nice camera. However, since I was still in an exploratory mode and had not yet decided to become a full-fledged photographer, I decided to buy a compact camera, which I can easily carry anywhere. So I asked my sister’s husband, who is very good in photography, regarding the right camera for me within my budget. He suggested the best compact camera within my budget that was available at that time. Although it was not a DSLR camera, I got great pictures instantly; at least that’s what I thought back then.
The pictures were great, definitely better than my previous ones, but they were not as good as the photos of professional photographers. I wanted to perfect the art, primarily to click beautiful pictures of my daughter and us. So I started learning the basics of photography. My brother-in-law sent me some photography books. I read them all and started checking basics of photography on Internet: Youtube, Google and everything else I could find online (because I had unlimited internet ;)). Simultaneously, I started practically implementing the techniques learnt from these sources.
Having my daughter around while learning the basics of photography proved to be both ideal and delightful. She was great to work with and still is. Likes on my daughter’s pictures on social media increased significantly. I wondered about the reasons for the popularity of those photographs. It could have been that the camera was simply awesome, or that my photographic skills were becoming better, or that my daughter was simply cute and it was hard to go wrong while photographing her. Whatever the reasons maybe, the entire experience sparked off a desire to pursue this art form so deeply that, in my mind, it was clear that I wished to make it my career. When I told about this to my friends they suggested creating a Facebook page and uploading my daughter’s pictures there as they are really good. I followed up on their suggestion. . The best thing about creating a page was that I had a sense of responsibility that “few” people are following my work and that I have to keep them updated with my work which helped me keep going, motivating me to learn more and practice more.
Spending so much time with my daughter watching her cute expressions and never-ending naughtiness, that usually all babies have, I never felt like going back to a full-time job. Meanwhile, I started looking for options to work part-time as I still did not have thorough photography skills. While I was looking for things I like to do, all my childhood hobbies started coming back to my memory. As I was evaluating all the options in front of me, I was certain of one thing. I knew that I needed a plan and that I cannot sit idle without any goals. As I was considering my options for the future, we came to know by the end of 2014 that my husband has to go to Switzerland for 2 years on a work-related project. We were not ready to live apart for two years and decided that it would only make sense for me and my daughter to relocate along with him during his stay in Switzerland. While my mind was already juggling between different ideas of what to do about my career, I thought that life has given me a great opportunity and 2 long years to start and learn something new. So I decided to practice photography in Zurich and then, after coming back to India, start working as a photographer. That was the plan I had in my mind!
As soon as I reached Switzerland I bought a DSLR camera which is essential to give you those beautiful pictures, help you learn the diverse photography techniques , and get you more interested in photography in general. When I had my first DSLR in hand I was already aware of the basics of photography so it didn’t take me much time to start clicking good pictures. I kept updating my page with my work. All my dear ones were appreciative and that kept me motivated and gave me more will to go on.
Now that I had sufficiently explored the basics of photography, I felt the need to dive deeper into the art. This desire to learn more was appropriately timed with my daughter’s age. She was soon turning two and this meant that I could spend longer periods of time away from her. I sought to meet other photography enthusiasts while she spent her time with her father. I started going for photography meet-ups and photowalks and met few people who were part of a photography club called PICZ (Photo International Club Zurich). I joined the club to get in touch with some good photographers and learn some new tricks and techniques of photography and keep myself busy. After that I attended a few photowalks, meet-ups, events, workshops, etc. which I was really enjoying as it gave me a sense of satisfaction that ‘yes, I am doing something I like and want to do in future!’
Then came the turning point in my life when I joined another group on Facebook which is called IWIZ (Indian Women In Zurich). I went to a dinner meet-up and met many new lovely ladies there. One of them is the founder of the group (a very warm personality and a truly positive person). When I shared my interest in photography with them I got an offer to teach them the basics of photography. So we arranged a basic photography session for them and a photowalk in the city. After that I started getting some projects from the IWIZ group and got some word-of-mouth publicity. Cake-smash, birthday parties and family photoshoots were some of the projects for which I was contacted. Thus 2 years were almost over within a blink of an eye.
Since we had to return back to India, I started wondering how my freelancing work as a photographer would take off. This is when I came to know of another closed group on Facebook called PULA (PUne LAdies). My friend who had told me about this incredible group started recommending me for photography projects. One day she recommended me in a post about a requirement for a wedding photographer. And I just laughed seeing that. I was like “this is not gonna happen!”. I barely had any experience with professional photography. Moreover, I had not even reached India yet and set myself up there. In other words, I was simply not prepared to think of covering bigger events like a wedding. This recommendation took me completely by surprise. While I was processing all this, the bride-to-be got in touch with me and she showed interest in my photography. She said she really liked it 🙂 and we spoke a few times and the deal was sealed. I did my first wedding photography after coming back to India. With PULA I got more assignments and my lifestyle photography portfolio was built in no time.
Now my photography work is keeping me busy enough to spend my day productively and it‘s also allowing me to spend more time with my daughter and family. So far I have done candid photography for many events, pre-wedding shoots, birthday parties, babies, maternity, engagement shoots; and almost everything I wanted to do so far is checked off my list. New goals have been set and much more work is to be done soon. I will keep you guys updated about it. So follow me on my Facebook page and Instagram.
I hope you like my photography journey. I would especially like to thank all my followers, friends and family who have liked my work or have appreciated it. That means a lot! Keep spreading love and support and never be afraid of starting something new. Get going and keep going!
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